A Message from
the President
Dear Shady Side Community,
Our campus is a living resource, and every part of it—every stairwell, lobby, and garden—holds the potential to educate and instill a sense of belonging, deepening all of our experiences, memories, and emotional connections to Shady Side.
Building on the best architectural designs in our history, we are excited to share with you the vision for our next move: a 6-12 Campus Master Plan, which is the result of more than three years of close study, research, and community engagement.

With student experience top of mind, we have sought to more fully realize Shady Side’s mission through our physical spaces and designed each project prioritizing the following principles:
- Building Community
- Relational Teaching & Student Engagement
- Connected, “Real-World” Learning
As a credit to the pioneers who so thoughtfully designed SSA’s Senior School in the early 1920s, our campus has continued to adapt well to new circumstances, one of the primary markers of its greatness. Over the past century, Shady Side has continued to preserve the campuses’ most cherished characteristics, while also responding to growth, change, and renewal.
We are fortunate to enjoy such a beautiful, inspiring campus, one that has been developed as a result of the talents and generosity of so many. When this plan is fully realized, no student, teacher, or alum will show up and not recognize their school. They might, however, notice an exciting shift in campus activities and the way students and teachers interact with one another. I trust the original architects and visionaries of SSA would be proud we remain a school on the move—and that we are building upon their innovative designs to help both the institution and our current students face the challenges of today.
Your support and enthusiasm are vital elements in this journey, ensuring our shared stewardship safeguards this campus for current and future Bulldogs, just as it has for past generations. This journey is a thrilling one, molding us in dynamic new ways.
I eagerly anticipate experiencing it all alongside you!
Bart Griffith '93